Film and television studios
When you’re working with video files, you know they’re going to be large. Getting them from the video shoot location to the editing room, or from your computer to your client’s, needs to be fast and accurate, with no margin for error. Every film production professional understands the importance of file quality and you can rely on our platform to guarantee the best results.

How will you use it?
Creating showreels &
delivering masters
Studios can securely assemble examples of work to pitch for new business, and film crews can deliver masters without hassle. With full resolution file formats (4K, 8K etc.) and full-screen previews, clients anywhere around the globe can instantly and reliably access the files.
Location scouting &
back to base dailies
Location scouts can take shots of potential locations for their team, and production teams on location can send the dailies back to the studio for instant collaboration and approval. Everyone works from the same source in real time.
Casting calls & receiving
footage from stringers
From TV studios receiving audition submissions, to news networks receiving breaking news, all your files can be received in the one place. The workflow to prioritize, review, shortlist and approve can then be managed centrally within the one tool.
Why Digital Pigeon?
Branded large file sharing, for high resolution video production
Create a seamless, customised showcase portal, which provides your clients with instant access and no system requirements on their end. We’re optimised to share large files up to 200GB (or more if needed!) with instant media previews in resolutions up to 1080p.
Video scrubbing &
frame by frame comments
With video scrubbing and frame stepping, production and post production activities are made easy. Team members and clients can provide precise feedback by marking up content with time-coded annotations, frame-by-frame.
Secure files with
IP protection features
We employ end-to-end security which means your content is encrypted and safe from the moment you press ‘upload’ to the moment the file is opened by your recipients. You can then choose to apply a password, reCAPTCHA verification, and watermarks to specific files.