Related features

Receive large files, easily

Sharing large files is one thing, receiving large files easily is another. With personalised links, customised upload pages and embedded website widgets, Digital Pigeon makes receiving files easy. Our platform is the perfect solution for handling all of your business’s large files.

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Present your work, your way

Each step of your workflow process that has a contact point with a client is an opportunity to show them how brilliant you are. We’ll help you ensure you’re providing a professional customer experience from start to finish.

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Stream and preview content

Nobody wants to have to download different software every time they need to view a different file type. Choose the platform that will convert any raw format file into instant media previews accessible anywhere, anytime.

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Well it works and it’s reliable. That’s a given. But what I like is you guys just keep adding really great new features, like the receive links. I’m always looking to improve things and your new features are always really helpful.

Jason Rudolph


Try the file sharing tool used by businesses throughout the world.

Start your 100%, no-obligation free trial now to see how fast and intuitive Digital Pigeon is.

Send & receive 200GB+ files easily.
Customise with your brand.