Seriously fast file sharing
Share your files with clients quickly,
reliably and securely

Sharing large files isn’t as easy as it sounds. Our platform helps businesses send files over 200GB easily, securely and efficiently. Built for sending lots of file formats, Digital Pigeon allows users to send with just the click of a button. If your business creates it, we can help you share it.

Sharing large files is one thing, receiving them easily is another. With personalised links, customised upload pages and embedded website widgets, Digital Pigeon makes receiving files easy. With no logins required, our platform is the perfect solution for handling any business's large files.

No client of yours wants to have to download different software every time they need to view a different file type. Choose the platform that will convert any raw format file into instant media previews accessible anywhere, anytime.

Each step of your company's workflow that has a contact point with a client is an opportunity to impress them. We’ll help ensure you’re providing a professional customer experience from start to finish.

Lots more features built for your business
Track recipient activity
Your files are your business’s assets. Our platform lets you track every activity from viewing, downloading, commenting and approving. If someone is doing something with your file, we can let you know about it. Stay informed in real time on the activity of your files.
Explore moreSeamlessly get feedback
We’ve built a platform that enables all of your feedback and approvals to be completed in the one place, with specialised features for precision feedback on image, video and audio files. Get timely feedback with one-click approvals for your projects.
Explore moreProtect your intellectual property
Don’t risk the hard work of your business by not protecting its IP when sending large files. Our platform enables businesses to add passwords, watermarks and human verification options to all files files.
Explore moreIntegrate with 2000+ apps
The best way to improve your business’s workflow is to choose the best tools for the job. That also means making sure all of your tools in your digital stack work seamlessly together. Digital Pigeon integrates with all major cloud-based software to improve your file-sharing experience.
Explore moreWork from anywhere
Remote working is the new way of working. Our platform is accessible anywhere, anytime and is the perfect way to stay connected with your clients and your team. With web and mobile app versions, and file servers located across the world, we are the remote working tool of choice.
Explore moreTeam collaboration
Productive teams work from the one source of information and stay up-to-date with any changes. Digital Pigeon allows you to create checklist tasks straight from your feedback comments, and tag files and contacts for easy work allocation.
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