Real Estate Photographers
Real estate photography is arguably the most critical component of the property sales process. As it involves the transfer of hi-res image files in different file formats, there is a need for a tool capable of ensuring a seamless transfer process. Digital Pigeon provides a platform that allows simple file transfer, instant previews and the ability to get real estate agents the assets needed to make the big sale.

How will you use it?
Fast upload from
your camera
Uploading is as easy as ‘drag and drop’, and you can choose from a number of presentation modes and file organisation formats.
Delivering files from
the property
Photographers working out on site can use Digital Pigeon to send the images to real estate agents or directly to clients while they are still out at the property.
Instant feedback from
real estate agents
Comments from real estate agents can be added as markups onto your images - meaning you know exactly what needs to be done to get them the best final product.
Why Digital Pigeon?
One click approval on images
Real estate agents don’t need to download anything, they don’t even need to log in. They preview the file from their inbox, and click approve when they’re happy.
Our ‘all in one’, preview, comment and feedback process gives real estate photographers the ability to receive alerts and notifications when their clients have viewed, commented, approved or rejected image files.
Protect your IP
Our platform enables you to add passwords, watermarks and human verification options to each of your files. When your IP is your business, you need to protect it.